Hack Facebook Passwords Tutorial

Understand how
to hack Facebook

How to hack Facebook password?

Please note that what we are revealing here is for informational purposes only and should not be reproduced on anyone's account!

Hacking a Facebook password is really simple. Hackers most of the time don't even have a majority when they hack into their first Facebook account.

So how do they go about doing it? There aren't as many solutions as you might think and the TV shows only make people believe false ideas about Facebook hacking.

When an account is hacked, the user does not notice it. He is far from imagining what happened to him simply because everything is virtual, the hacker only enters his information virtually, behind a computer screen. It is not comparable to a burglary, even if the term is psychologically the same thing, but here nothing was definitely stolen. Except in an extreme case where the account is deleted, most of the time, the hacker duplicates the data.

The hacker then wants to use it to make money. And yes, don't think he's going to do this just for fun... his goal after a Facebook hack is to get a reward.

For example, he will contact the friends of the victim's profile and ask for financial assistance by usurping his identity. Or he will simply post links on the wall to advertising sites (spam, sale of drugs, etc.) and make his friends believe that it's really the best. The victim's friends will believe that he is the one who posted this link and will click on it. They will fall into the hacker's trap. Hackers can also sell hacked Facebook accounts on the black market for a few US dollars.

What techniques to use to hack Facebook?

Here are some techniques commonly used by hackers to hack into your Facebook account. These methods may be able to help you better protect yourself or a hack on your side for educational purposes.


Find a Facebook password
Here is how a FACEBOOK password
is hacked with PASS FINDER
(works with a phone number or a login-ID too).

This technology allows from a web address, an identifier or a telephone number, to access all Facebook profiles. To hack a Facebook account, hacking software, secret agents for example, leave no trace of recovery. It is a solution to crack Facebook passwords online which then allows you to enter the account with software thanks to its instantaneous power. To start protecting yourself or recovering your password, you must go to the targeted Facebook profile and indicate the username or the phone number or the email address then insert it in the box of the software.

PASS FINDER works on mobile and avoids these tedious tasks like going to a computer and then connecting to the Facebook access page for the hacker. There is nothing complicated.

The goal is that anyone can be able to use PASS FINDER, that's why it is possible to try it from the official site because PASS FINDER is aimed at a wide audience wanting to get their hands on their usernames and passwords quickly.

Click here to download now: https://www.passwordrevelator.net/en/passfinder

Method 2: Exploiting zero click and zero day vulnerabilities

Facebook security fails

Among those that can constitute a real cyber threat, there are security breaches. These vulnerabilities are not user dependent. No matter what IT we use, there is always a security hole that can be exploited against us. Of course, cybercriminals know this. There are even a lot of security vulnerabilities that are in circulation sold at certain prices or even made available for free. A security breach is a design flaw that can be used to gain access to a computer terminal without the knowledge of the main user. Thanks to technological development in hacking, it is even possible today to hack someone without the latter even having to lift a finger. In this context we speak of a zero-click exploit. These vulnerabilities which, when properly exploited, can expose the user to many surprises. It is this situation that was highlighted with the Pegasus scandal which demonstrated that these security breaches can be a real plague for our online privacy.

Method 3: Session Hijacking

Facebook hijacking

Session hijackings are classics in hacking. They have the merit of allowing the user to be hacked without the latter even realizing the exact problem he is going through. As the name so clearly suggests, session hijacking is exactly about driving the user who wants to connect to a particular web platform to another platform for various reasons. The first session hijacking may be aimed purely at infecting the infected with a malicious program following its connection to the corrupted platform. This can be seen in several cases when you click on a link or a tab while visiting an unsafe website.

In another case of assignment hijacking, hackers aim to monitor user traffic. For this, it uses cookies saved by the latter on its browser. The diversion here is only temporary because once the connection is intercepted, the hacker will then send the user to the platform he wants to use. Obviously after collecting all the information it needs for other purposes. As part of DNS poisoning, session hijacking will consist in making the user believe that he is on the exact platform he wants. Here its hijacking starts from the browser when it enters the URL address of the web platform. Thanks to the DNS cookies already corrupted by the cyber criminals, the latter is immediately directed to another platform which is under the control of the hackers but which usurps the identity of the first.

Thanks to these highly advanced hacking methods, it is easy for a malicious hacker to hack social media accounts such as Facebook. Because all it takes is a few clicks to get all of your personal data.

Method 4: SIM Card Hacking

Hack Facebook using SIM Facebook

SIM card hacking is not widely known as a common hacking method. However, it is as dangerous as any technique that can be used by hackers. The SIM card is above all a computer tool with data inputs and outputs. In the current era, knowing that almost everyone uses smartphones, the SIM card is an essential or even essential tool today in our access to the Internet and social networks. Today there are two methods of hacking SIM cards that can have serious consequences on our habits:

  • The first is known as SIM Swapping or SIM Swap. It is a technique that will consist in diverting the telephone number of the individual to another SIM card that can be used by the malicious hacker. You are probably wondering how such a diversion is made. Well the technique is very simple, the criminal will collect information about you so that he can steal your identity.with your telephone operator. Obviously with social networks it is obvious and easy to collect all this information. Then he calls your operator and pretends to be you, claiming a problem with the SIM card. He can, for example, claim the loss of his smartphone or even signify a problem that prevents him from connecting to the network. After having authenticated the false identity that he usurped, he requests the transfer of the telephone number to another SIM card this time which will be in his possession. As we know, the phone number is usually linked to several online accounts belonging to us. This will result in facilitating the hacking of his accounts. In particular Facebook, if the person decides for example to.

  • Another method known as " Simjacking ". It essentially consists of exploiting security flaws present in the SIM card in order to collect information which passes through it to your smartphone. If it doesn't seem obvious, the SIM card is like a small computer with its own operating system. Therefore, security vulnerabilities are not excluded from appearing sooner or later. And even worse, since 2009 there are a lot of SIM cards in circulation that have not been updated. Today we are witnessing the expansion of what is called the e-SIM card, a dematerialized version of the SIM card. Therefore, the possibility of discovering many more security flaws only increases. It is in such contexts that there is always a hacker who knows this and is just waiting for the right moment to exploit these vulnerabilities. It is from this moment that we enter what is called Simjacking.

Method 5: Using malware

malware Facebook software

Malware is at the heart of hacking. It is very likely that a Facebook account hacker will require the intervention of one or more malware. It is for this reason that we cannot discuss this selection of hacking methods without mentioning the use of malicious computer programs. In the category of " how to hack a Facebook account?" there are a couple of malware you should be aware of that are used in this context:

  • Spyware:
    • A computer program typically designed to monitor computer tool usage. As its name suggests, it is made to spy. In other words, if by misfortune you are infected by this kind of program, it will be very easy for the hacker to collect the information necessary to succeed in his hacking. You are probably wondering how it would contaminate your terminal? There are various ways to do this. Spyware can be installed manually. That is to say that if inadvertently you leave your terminal available and a person manages to gain physical access to it, he will take advantage of your inattention and will undoubtedly install spyware with complete impunity. It is also possible to contaminate you remotely by directing you, for example, to the phishing method or any other means of installing spyware.

  • Trojan:
    • It is by far the most widely used malware in the field of cybercrime. The Trojan horse is preferred to any other pirate software because thanks to it it is possible to do several things at the same time. Indeed, it is much easier to spread a Trojan horse than any pirated software. Because as its name suggests, the Trojan has the possibility of taking the form of a legitimate application that can even be downloaded from official application stores. In other words, you can simply download an app from Apple's App Store for added security but still be trapped by a Trojan horse. It also has the opportunity to hide behind other applications while patiently waiting for the opportunity to come out of hiding. This is what makes it dangerous. When it is already installed on a computer terminal, it allows its operator to perform several tasks. The first of these tasks is for example the installation of other malicious programs so that even if it is discovered and uninstalled, its operator can still act against you. The second task of the Trojan is that it can allow its hacker to spy on its hacker target. Of course, this espionage will lead to the exfiltration of sensitive data and who says sensitive data means the possibility of initiating other computer hacks such as hacking your Facebook account.

  • Keylogger:
    • We are talking here about a classic malicious program that is commonly used by hackers. The keylogger as the name suggests has the usefulness of letting its operator know everything you type or everything you have typed on your keyboard after it has been installed on the terminal. In other words, if for example you are infected with a keylogger currently, everything that is typed on your keyboard will be automatically sent to the hacker who caused this infection. As simple as it sounds, can you already imagine the possible disadvantages?

  • Ransomware:
    • We are talking about perhaps the most popular malware of the last 5 years. While the Trojan remains far behind in terms of infectivity and use by hackers, the consequences of ransomware contamination do much more damage in a visible way and usually make headlines there. Ransomware is the star of malware due to several cases that have been observed over the past few years. To cite only the Colonial Pipeline case and the JBS attack, two situations that forced the US government to officially declare war on ransomware users, literally classifying them as terrorists. But there are too many misconceptions behind ransomware. Of course, the media situation also justifies this often very incomplete apprehension. The malware, for example, does not only attack large companies. Moreover, it is not only reserved for computers or business computer systems. It can be used against smartphones and even individuals like you. Which means your cell phone can also be locked by ransomware. The other misconception is that ransomware is only used to extort money through computer hostage taking. However, very often we overlook the possibility that cybercriminals have with ransomware to be able to exfiltrate important data from the infected computer system. Therefore there is a danger here which should not be overlooked.

Method 6: Dataleaks

Dataleaks Facebook

Dataleaks occur when an organization loses control and management of a set of digital information that it is supposed to manage and protect. Nowadays, Dataleaks are very common, especially in social networks which are generally the biggest companies for centralizing personal data. It is legitimate for you to wonder how data leaks can be used against you to hack your Facebook account. When there is a data leak, you have to know that there is a lot of information that becomes available and usable by anyone. Therefore, your passwords can also be recovered as well as all your login credentials.

We must therefore protect ourselves against such a situation.

The first piece of advice is of course to be disciplined. The discipline will consist in knowing how to properly manage the use of these passwords. As you know, it is generally not recommended to use the same password on several accounts at the same time. Then, the composition of your password must be done with seriousness and avoid that it is easily guessed. Today we speak of a passphrase instead of a password. Also, seriously consider protecting your connections with some essential tools. In particular, we think:

  • Virtual keyboards that will simulate the physical keyboard and that you can use especially when you write your login credentials in order to prevent a Keylogger from recording them.
  • Antiviruses that will help you detect certain malicious software or any other illicit practice that may affect the integrity of your connection.
  • To virtual private networks that allow you to have a confidential and more secure connection than normal. Virtual private networks allow you to strengthen your privacy as well as the protection of all your connection identifiers.
  • Authentication apps that are typically used as part of two-factor authentication. These applications make it possible to randomly generate codes that can serve as a second method of authentication after the password. The most famous applications of this people are Microsoft authenticator and Google authenticator.
  • Password managers when we have multiple online accounts. It is requested to have several passwords for security reasons. It then becomes difficult to be able to retain all these protection passwords from memory. Thanks to the password manager, you will simply only need to remember one password. The rest will be stored in the application and will allow you to easily log in to your online accounts with just a few clicks.
  • There are a lot of top recommendations for better Facebook security and it is very important to pay attention to third-party apps. Third-party apps are literally obvious threats that many users overlook on a daily basis. Since no one knows the origin of these apps, at least for the most part, simply avoid using them. In most cases you don't even need it.

If by chance, you are caught off guard and are looking for an effective way to recover your password regardless of the Facebook account, use PASS FINDER. It is an efficient software adapted to your needs. Thanks to this computer program, you are sure to never lose control of your Facebook account again. It can let you find any Facebook account password in just a few minutes. It is also compatible with all types of devices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How easy is it to hack a Facebook password?

Hacking a Facebook password might seem simple to some, but it requires a certain level of skill and knowledge. There are various techniques and methods used by hackers and the ease of hacking depends on factors such as the security measures in place and the vulnerability of the target.

2. Is it legal to hack a Facebook password?

No, hacking into someone's Facebook account without their consent is illegal and considered a violation of privacy and cybersecurity laws in most countries. It can lead to severe consequences, including legal action and criminal charges.

3. How can I protect my Facebook account from being hacked?

There are several steps you can take to enhance the security of your Facebook account:

  • Use a strong and unique password.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files.
  • Regularly update your privacy settings.
  • Be cautious about the information you share online.

4. What should I do if my Facebook account has been hacked?

If you suspect that your Facebook account has been hacked, take immediate action:

  • Change your password.
  • Review your account activity and remove any unauthorized connections.
  • Report the incident to Facebook for further investigation.
  • Consider implementing additional security measures.