What if the employees become Trojans?

What if the employees become Trojans?

June 2, 2020 Off By admin

In the field of cybersecurity, by the way cybercrime, a Trojan horse with malware.

This software hides in the targeted computer system in the form of a normal and legitimate application. And it allows its publishers to siphon information about the terminals of the system's owners.

This article will also interest you: How to use a Trojan horse?

With the deconfinment that is gradually coming, employees will return to the office. For those who were deployed in telework. A connection will need to be re-established in order to transfer professional information and files, often confidential, produced or managed during containment to the company's computer system. And it will not be without risk. As must be said, cyber criminals are looking forward to this moment.

As the saying says, "one evil can hide another." In our context we will say that one virus can hide another. Indeed, while containment has fostered the explosion of cyber-malveillance on all fronts, there is one thing that is not sufficiently debated by cybersecurity experts. Deconfinement. If we take into account the fact that cyber-malveillances were more than prolix during the period of widespread telework because of containment, we must know one very important thing, which few security experts will deny: all computer attacks or cyber-malicious actions have not yet manifested themselves in a visible way. In other words, it is very likely that hackers have not yet initiated certain procedures that they have already initiated. Procedures that have been initiated by targeting teleworkers in particular. Not for the purpose of stealing information or sabotaging remote work, but for specific procedures that aim to infect the terminals used by these remote workers.

It is clear that the ultimate goal of cybercriminals is not the teleworkers themselves, but the computer systems of their companies. "The teams in charge of protecting the computer park were a little more blind than usual. With the deconfinement, the services will have to manage a return of computers, sometimes up to several thousand, which could be exposed to just about anything and everything for weeks" warned Gérôme Billois, a cybersecurity expert. A concern that is shared. Michel Van Den Berghe, Orange's chief executive, highlighted this aspect. "Our fear is that when we return to the site, malicious codes will run, realizing that the computer is no longer connected to a home network but to that of the company. ».

Clearly, the idea here is to use for cyber criminals, employees of different companies as Trojans. Some experts take this threat seriously. And the anxiety is almost felt. "When you're a cybercriminal or a criminal, there's a good opportunity to try to make money. Because of the health crisis, companies have had to put themselves under duress and forced to operate in telework, which in fact creates an opportunity for hackers," explains Baptiste Robert, a cyber defence specialist.

Should we fear a new pandemic? But this time virtual? This is what can be seen in the light of the opinions of the various experts. The somewhat hasty deployment of remote work has created a fairly favourable framework for the implementation of a post-containment campaign that will do more damage. With regard to the discipline of employees in companies, by imagining the possible let-down at home, it is simply plausible that such a reality will be formed. Indeed, the professional framework is more secure on the material level than on the technical level. Within the company, human error can be quickly caught up. But in a personal setting as in the home, several realities declare this. "In the company, you are like a castle. But when you're at home, the level of protection is immediately much lower," noted Michel Van Den Berghe.

Ultimately, the employee's place on return must be taken with seriousness and discipline. IT teams will have to scramble for the prophecy of deconfinement to be distorted. And for this, the rigorous control of the employees in the office is the first checkpoint.

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