Avoid using business appliances for personal use

Avoid using business appliances for personal use

April 28, 2021 Off By admin

Today, it is safe to say that we are in the age of remote work.

Remote collaboration that was reserved for a professional category has become widespread. Yet from the coronavirus pandemic and population containment to break the chain of contamination, users' digital habits were purely personal or largely. Today these same users must find the right balance between the use of the computer tool and its professional use. Today sending an SMS is not as easy to do outright especially when the context has changed overnight. One would then be tempted to send a professional SMS by personal phone or even the opposite. View and manage business documents through, for example, a personal computer or check your photos on social media accounts using your professional computer. So many practices today that are entangled.

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If individually no action mentioned above contains them as dangerous, it can be said that in a context this can have more than dramatic consequences. The example of former CIA Director John Mark Deutch is a school case. In 1996, before leaving office, John Mark Deutch sought permission to keep computers provided by the U.S. government because, in his opinion, these devices contained financial information that belonged to him because he himself did not have a personal computer that would allow him to transfer his information. At that time not having a personal computer was not outrageous it was quite common. At the request, the government agrees on the condition that the government become a government consultant without being paid for it. Nor should it use these same computers for personal use and should ensure that it purchases a personal computer to transfer its financial information.

In the years that followed, it was discovered that computers contained beautiful and well-received information of a confidential nature. In addition to being connected to the Internet, computers were also used for everyday uses, for the former CIA boss and for his entire family. This situation has for a very long time exposed state secrets that could have been accessed or stolen by anyone at any time. John Mark Deutch was fined $5,000 on the head for fraudulently holding confidential documents. The amount that could have been worse and the consequences more dramatic.

"Mix the pro and personal devices: no! I know it's hard not to take your pro laptop or pro tablet to help your kids do their homework or complete a home loan application. So many of us have been working from the sofa in our living room or the kitchen table for the past year that the line between our professional and private lives has never been blurred. Especially since many computer hardware manufacturers have played on this fact by marketing their products as being able to safely manage both work and leisure. But even with these solutions, there is only one way to completely protect ourselves so as not to suffer the same fate as John Deutch: to keep our professional and personal technologies separate. notes Bill Detwiler, IT consultant.

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