The Importance of Protecting Digital Systems

The Importance of Protecting Digital Systems

August 8, 2020 Off By admin

According to the ANP command, cyber risks are indeed a reality.

He is aware of this, saying that he "has just taken a decisive step in implementing concrete measures that will enable him to evolve in safety, in an increasingly digitized environment." For the organization, "the protection of digital systems under the jurisdiction of civil and military institutions from cyber threats as a matter of national sovereignty."

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Today, all over the world, cyber defence responds to a strategic logic, not only for the economic development of the country, but also for its security. "Very aware of cyber threats, in an increasingly digitized environment, the ANP created the Cyber Defense and Systems Security Control Service /EM-ANP in November 2015," read a dossier published in the latest issue of El Djeich magazine.

The establishment of an extensive security service "clearly demonstrates the High Command's determination to move forward for a neutral and sustainable Algerian cyberspace," a source close to the government said.

According to the review, the government's action plan, which was approved on 6 February 20202 during an extraordinary cabinet meeting, will give "a particular importance to building the ANP's cyber defence capabilities." The same is true of a decree issued by the President on the creation of a national security apparatus for the protection of information systems. This decree was published in the official newspaper on 20 January. This includes the implementation of a national strategy to effectively combat computer incidents of malicious origin, through digital investigations. Especially if the state's IT infrastructure is affected.

As far as the organization of this system is concerned, the time it is installed within the Department of National Defence. It is made up of national information systems security council, the objective is developed, to guide and approve the national strategy on the defence of information systems. Then we have an agency of security computer systems, in mission and coordinated and implement all national strategies dealing with the security of information systems.

With the enactment of this presidential decree, it is easily noticeable, the interest of the government is making to the issues that represent cybersecurity. The same is true with the changes that have had a strong impact on the entire IT sector, pay particular attention to those with a situation that is vital enough for the country to be economically and secure.

This decision is therefore welcome. Indeed, during an evaluation of the ANP, it was dismantled that breaches of public order on the web, constituted essentially 22% and all cases in the national gendarmerie to the treaty in 2019, framework of the fight against cybercrime. "They concern the dissemination of false information, incitement to disorder public order and the instrumentalization of public opinion via web technology," said Colonel Abdelkader Zighed, GN criminologist.

With regard to cyber-malian acts, the police authorities are seeing an increase in the number of cyber-malians. Especially in recent years. For example, for 18 cases handled by the gendarmerie in 2008, they increased to 102 cases in 2013 and ended with 1,652 cases in 2019. "Analysis of cases handled in 2019 highlighted the categories of offences, including personal abuses, accounting for 71% of the total volume of cases handled, particularly identity theft for the purpose of defamation, blackmail-related intimidation, insult and insult," says Colonel Abdelkader Zighed. The latter notes "a typical co-evolution between cybercrime and the widespread use of internet-related technologies in society."

The authorities mention that property damage in cases related to the fight against cybercrime accounts for 39%, while 14% for cases involving offences against minors. For violations of the automated processing system, the authorities mention 11% of the cases they have handled. "Cyber-investigators conduct informational monitoring to detect and report anything that violates Algerian law relating to the harm to persons, including minors, property, automated data processing systems, breach of public order and security, symbols of the state and the Revolution. says Commander Deramchia, a cybercrime specialist with GN Command.

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