Travel data collected by the French National Police

Travel data collected by the French National Police

December 29, 2019 Off By admin

The French national police will now have the right to collect data from french and other users of transport services, generated during the various trips.

This was enabled by the new State Service responsible for the management of personal data. The aim of this initiative is to put in place strategy to combat regular immigration and terrorism in particular. The data concerned are those that will be issued by train and boat users.

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like as we know, the data is generated by all of what is done in the daily life, including travel. This data contains information valuables that can be exploited wisely. Because it is believed that they can provide some answers to the "needs of prevention, the search, finding or prosecution of criminal offences or enforcement of criminal convictions or security measures, prevention and repression of terrorism, state security, defence, public safety, safeguarding the fundamental interests of the Nation, border control, the fight against immigration transport security" , according to the position of the French government.

The decision is rooted in an order issued on 21 December 2019. Already in the the official newspaper, the government decides by this act to set up " a national travel data service." This service will in fact be attached to the Directorate General of the national police force. The national police aim by this new service to improve safety of users of transport services, whether maritime air or road.

The benefits of this collection programme, known as the PNR (Passenger Name Record), will have the advantage of establishing a European-wide tracking and monitoring scheme for all passengers on public and private transport.

The service will be dependent on the Ministry of Interior Transport and Defence. Its affiliation with the Directorate General of The Police will be to facilitate the police's access to the data that will be recorded for each travel process either immediately or in the event of a booking. the collection will form the basis of a study on the "technical, legal, economic and financial conditions under which the collection and exploitation of travel data can be organised," the French government said.

At the moment, the service is not yet in place because it is in the feasibility study stage. If this is determined is effective, it will not take long before it is immediately operational. now we should look at the management of this data that they will be continuously collected and in the quantity will of course be huge. At this time, nothing has been reported on the device that will be put in place to ensure the confidentiality of its data.

Furthermore, the question should be asked: what risk are the users of the means of transport and what insurances do they have?

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