Cloud security

Cloud security

March 27, 2021 Off By admin

Cloud technology is booming these days.

Gradually, companies are migrating to the use of structures in order to improve their digitization. There are a number of reasons for this interest. Stephan Hadinger, Chief Technology Officer at AWS France, explains: "The cloud offers many advantages to companies in cybersecurity, including control and visibility. Organizations control where their data is stored at all times, who can access it, and what resources they consume. Sophisticated access and identity controls associated with continuous surveillance provide near real-time security information, and ensure that the right resources get the right access at all times, no matter where the information is stored. Another advantage of a cloud infrastructure is the automation of security tasks. By reducing the risk of human configuration errors, automating security tasks allows for better data security and frees teams, who can focus on innovation or other tasks essential to the business. With the many integrated solutions available that can be combined to automate tasks in innovative ways, the security team and development teams are easily cooperating to create and deploy code faster and more securely. From a financial point of view, the cloud is also very advantageous because companies only pay for the services they use. ».

However, if Cloud's interest grows, it's also about its security. Because digital means computer security. Especially at a time when cybercrime is on the rise. For Amazon Web Services France's technical manager, it's "a shared responsibility," says Amazon Web Services France's technical manager. "Shared responsibility makes a clear distinction between cloud security and cloud security."

Indeed, while the use of automation, artificial intelligence, and encryption therefore reduce the risk of computer threats, it should be noted that this does not negate them. Businesses would then have to rely on a particular strategy. "To prevent and respond to cyber-incidents, companies need to implement comprehensive security strategies: create a secure application and segment their network on the one hand; Detecting a threat from the beginning on the other hand; and of course back up and encrypt their data. explains Stephan Hadinger. "It's important to deploy a secure and compliant infrastructure on the cloud. In practical terms, it is a strategy based on controlled access, updated and compartmentalized systems, early detection of threats, regular backups, as well as pre-defined and tested business continuity and recovery plans. The core of the AWS usage model is built on a zero trust model, placing access authentication at the center of all actions on the platform. he explains. It is this model that is used by Amazon Web Services through its AWS IAM (AWS Identity and Access Management) service, a service that is supposed to facilitate the implementation of policies that allow privileges to be traced as soon as an action is taken on the customer account.

Another important point in cloud security is the apprehension of the response to an incident "To respond to a cyber incident, you must be able to detect a threat from the beginning. If a ransomware is detected when the ransom demand appears on the computer screen, it means that the hacker has already infiltrated the network. Early detection of abnormal user behavior or network activity is critical to thwarting malware threats and launching counter-attack processes. expert at Amazon Web Services.

Ultimately, the customer is the provider of cloud service access must each on their side play a specific particular role in the goal of improving not only the protection of infrastructure and data, but also prevention against certain computer threats.

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