3 Tips for Safe Deconnating
After 8 weeks of confinement, telework has become a little integrated into professional habits.
If at first remote work was adopted in a hasty manner in relation to the circumstances, the tendons inevitably towards a deconfinement. Indeed in not long, employees and employees will return to the offices and the classic work will begin. That's why all businesses need to be prepared for this return.
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It is about the security of information systems. It is clear that telework has been the source of many computer security incidents, but deconfinment may also be another springboard. And for good reason, remote work exposed companies through its employees who were not always wise, especially as they were in a non-professional setting. Obviously, remote collaboration cannot be done without a hitch. It is for this reason that Sophos, the security firm, gives 3 tips to respect so as not to put itself in danger.
First, two types of employees should be apprehended when the deconfinement returns. On the one hand, those who started telecommuting with a laptop provided by the company with nothing more. And on the other hand, what have been used by their own devices, so will have removable storage tools (USB keys, SD, external disk) containing important files.
The security company offers these three steps:
– "Implementing the management of security solutions in the cloud": the traditional provision of antivirus solutions used by companies usually involves the use of physical consoles on the company's website. While this way of working can pose a problem with the deployment of security updates. An employee may not have access to certain updates and security, and therefore may not report incidents or viruses when this is not necessarily the case. As a result, if devices and devices in these types of conditions are automatically connected to a network, the risk becomes real and can cause more damage. For this reason, it is recommended that companies check the status of these tools before any synchronization and use across the company's network. In addition, companies need to: "Consider replacing the security solution used with a solution that has a cloud-based console that can handle updates, configurations and alerts even when the user is not in the office, identifying and solving any security issues, even remotely. ».
– "Check USB sticks and other storage media": if this process seems obvious, all businesses may not. This lack of discipline could be the cause of many problems in the future. The goal is very simple, it is to prevent employees who during these 8 weeks working away from the company often using private terminals or doing other 'actions in addition to work, have in a way contract a malware on one or more of their different equipment. It is therefore essential to ensure that these external storage devices can be controlled and, if possible, disinfected before any use in the company's network. "It is recommended that this method be followed to prevent employees who have worked on their personal computers, sometimes unprotected, from putting the company at risk by USB sticks brought to the office to share or archive files used at home during the telework period. Finally, it may be time to consider eliminating the use of USB sticks and other portable media because these removable media represent a huge risk of loss and theft, with methods very difficult to encrypt and protect. Sophos noted.
– "Ensure transparency with IT": The last piece of advice will be for business leaders. They must motivate their employees and other employees to report any anomalies even remotely to security service managers before and after telework. If the problem has occurred in recent times, while telework is still in operation, it is essential that the IT team be informed to prevent any spread. "Personal equipment used for telecommuting must have the same safety standards as those in the company's perimeter. Sophos said.
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