How do you protect your Android smartphone from hacking?

How do you protect your Android smartphone from hacking?

July 29, 2019 Off By admin

In an old article, we gave you methods to protect your iPhones. Today, the trend is towards Android. Firstly because they are the most used, second, the data leak scandals concern them more.

This article will also interest you: The Android mobile operating system hacked by "Agent Smith"

First, let's talk about prevention methods. in first of all, you should know that it is very easy nowadays to hack. Go for a walk on the internet. You'll see a thousand and one tricks. however this is not to your advantage. Because being a lot connected to the internet we are very vulnerable.

1- Also, it is very important to keep your phone up to date.

This is one of the most important attitudes Have a secure mobile. Updates help fix flaws security breaches discovered. As a result, older versions of Android are vulnerable much more than the news in the face of attacks. If your phone alerts you to install a new update, don't hesitate and Do it as soon as possible.

For the update procedure:

– First, access the phone's settings,

– Choose the "system" option afterwards select "update"

– if after verification an update is available, take the opportunity to upgrade yourself.

In addition to the update,

2- Think about securing your mobile with a password.

A word difficult to guess because the 12335 are to be banned.

3- Also think about locking your applications with encryption measures.

Today, there is software to secure your applications by requiring passwords before they use them.

4- Download only your apps on Google Play.

Avoid alternative blinds because they are not secure and will deliver your own mobile to hacking. Google has been offering the Play Protect program for a few months now. The goal is to improve the security of its operating system. This program analyzes mobile-installed applications to ensure they are not corrupted. Turn on if it's built into your Android mobile.

5- Finally, avoid downloading media files (videos, sounds, photos…) on questionable platforms or that you don't know about.

Trojans are viruses that hide behind files we download. By accessing your phone, the hacker can spy on you and steal your data as he sees fit.

6- Install an antivirus on your mobile to protect you from this kind of program.

But you can always get hacked, even if you take all the right precautions. So you have to constantly monitor your phone and be watching for even a small bug. Hacked mobiles react accordingly so notice irregularities and be prepared to correct them.

The most common signs when a mobile is hacked are related to connectivity (increased internet data consumption, slowing down of downloads or updates), mobile performance (slow information processing, time-to-time, slow or non-compliant task execution) and configuration (some settings activate or disable without the phone's owner's knowledge). , some applications allow unwanted actions, etc.

To conclude, note that the security of your mobile depends first of all on you and the uses you make of it.

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