How to avoid security vulnerabilities through configuration options

How to avoid security vulnerabilities through configuration options

April 10, 2020 Off By admin

Like malware, security vulnerabilities are also a real pain for IT security officials.

But it all lies in the details. Hackers know that. They deploy considerable resources to find vulnerabilities and this must be the case for security experts and even information system managers.

So here are 5 essential practices to protect you from security vulnerabilities.

1- Avoid the default configuration of identifiers

It is very common to see this kind of error. This kind of action makes it very easy for hackers to take advantage of any of the credentials if one of the credentials are discovered.

2- Don't delay software update

This is a very important point and not everyone can ignore it. It is constantly talked about the importance of updates. An information system must be maintained at all times by experts. Because there's always a security flaw to discover. Hackers are constantly looking for them as well as security specialists. Updates are put in place precisely to fill its security vulnerabilities before they are exploitable or exploited. Mere negligence at this level can have great consequences. Do not provide maintenance in a way to discipline at this level and a very easy way to invite hackers to attack the system. Just to see the huge bonuses that the companies put in the Bug Bounty prove that we should not take all this lightly.

3- Don't use the same password for multiple devices at once

Passwords are the first obstacles to intruders. It provides a minimum of security in some cases it is the only security. It is advisable to build passwords in such a way that they cannot not only be easily guessed, but they cannot repeat themselves. This prevents the person from cracking them so break your defense. Therefore, it is a bad idea to use the same password for multiple accesses. For it is enough that only one is defeated, for all the others to be defeated as well. Hackers know that this kind of practice exists and continues. It is for this reason that they do not fail to always reuse the data they have managed to steal.

4- Ensure good configuration of interfaces remotely

When the information system has to be in constant contact with devices that do not leave the original computer fleet, a set of security protocols should be put in place that will secure its exchanges remotely. There is no shortage of such service. The American company Microsoft even offers a tool allowing the management of terminals remotely, through a fairly well organized interface is reliable. It is important to ensure that there is a very good organization at this level. Because there are always malicious cybers that are on the lookout. The slightest error can be punished by a very severe intrusion. Of course, a set of remote protection solutions such as firewalls and fairly secure identification methods must be put in place.

5- Organize regular maintenance companions

Whether it's with outside experts or internal experts, it's very useful to see and revisit your system as a whole to try to find potential vulnerabilities or to make sure you haven't been the victim of a cyberattack. This can fix potential security vulnerabilities or bugs. At the same time, it will allow you to set security programs that you didn't envision from the beginning.

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