Would Firefox's DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) be bad?

Would Firefox's DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) be bad?

October 22, 2019 Off By admin

In early October, the Mozilla Firefox browser announced the rollout of its DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) technology, which had been in development for 2 years now.

However, from the outset, this program will be a great controversy in the web community. it must be admitted that many people did not adhere logically.

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On the one hand, those who defend the logic of privacy, they have welcomed with open arms this idea because the DoH will grant users the ability to bypass the filters imposed by web traffic held by digital giants. Seen in this regard, ISPs Internet and other sites web that use from Internet traffic to better organize their offerings as well as their activities (data collection to market to advertisers). what is not meant to arrange their affairs.

"DoH Firefoxu means that Firefox will focus all DNS traffic on Cloudflare, sending DNS queries from all Firefox users in the U.S. to solvers Supplier's DoH-compatible DNS. And as DoH's support will extend further to also include DNS servers provided by Internet services, this mechanism of "change of provider" will allow DoH to bypass the DNS filters put in place at the ISP level to prevent access to child pornography or legally required content by blocking lists at the national level. Ungleich explained.

For the latter, digital players, DNS-over-HTTPS from Mozilla Firefox is very negative for everyone, whether for web giants like the average user himself. It's for this reason, the site encourages users not to activate this Firefox feature.

Ungleich had believed that the navigator would finally withdraw following the discussions who were born after his announcement to roll out his program. He expected that that Mozilla does "the right choice and not engage in the wrong direction, but our fear becomes an imminent reality"

the major problem raised by the site is that "DoH means that Firefox will focus all DNS traffic on Cloudflare, and will send traffic to all its users to a single entity." Which would mean that everything Firefox user outside the U.S. to be tracked by U.S. institutions, to the detriment of European data protection standards such as the EU General Regulation on the Protection of Human Rights data.

"It is indeed highly doubtful that the DoH deployed by default, since users do not choose to participate, but must opt out," he said in the blog post. The site extrapolates the effects of data centralization on users U.S. companies because he believes that the effects are not just for the non-U.S. users "because you trust Cloudflare or not, you will end up supporting centralization directly using DoH in Firefox."

In short, Microsoft's new program, while it promises some privacy for its users, the fact remains that data centralization poses countless problems for some figures on the net and could prove dangerous for users themselves. it is for this reason that the platform advocates an alternative solution other than this one. "Mozilla can also take on real responsibilities and collaborate with the Internet community and create RFCs (requests for comments) so that DHCPv4, DHCPv6 and router ads support DNS URLs instead of IP addresses only. Mozilla could also help develop support in operating systems, if privacy was really a concern for Mozilla, Ungleich said.

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