Connected objects in business where vulnerabilities are expected where you would expect war

Connected objects in business where vulnerabilities are expected where you would expect war

January 8, 2020 Off By admin

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see in companies several types of connected objects used.

We will refer to printers, thermostats, elevators or even the coffee machine. These objects, most often connected to the company's network, can prove to be the gateway for hackers into the system of those companies. "Without attention, connected objects are increasingly present in companies, they are in buildings, but also faxes, printers, coffee machines, etc.," noted Philippe Rondel, spokesman and security architect for Southern Europe of Check Point Software, the American cybersecurity firm, "One customer told us that the company's baby-football was connected! He continued his observation.

This article will also interest you: The security of connected objects, a real concern for professionals

All this to say that connected objects are everywhere even where you least expect. However, "these objects are all potentially dangerous. They introduce more risks into a company's information system than user posts," he observed.

To illustrate the danger he denounces our specialist in cybersecurity, the Japanese government through its National Institute of Cyber Security research for information and communication in abbreviated NICT, has undertaken conducting a series dominated a series of tests will consist of hacking more than 200 million connected objects used daily in offices and homes in Japan. The purpose of such an action is well sure to attract the attention of users as well as owners of these the potential of this digital product and encourage them to improve their safety. Of course, the 2020 Olympic Games are in prevention is essential because computer hacking activities will most certainly be on the rise. Indeed, these new tools, which are increasingly popular with consumers are beginning to attract the attention of consumers hackers who see it as a new field to exercise their talent. 

It is then remembered that the software company Kaspersky had done a study during the 2019 on this subject. During this study, The cybersecurity company has implemented a set of tests designed to test the security capacity of connected objects. In this report study published exactly on October 15, 2019, six months after the start of tests, it has been shown that attacks on connected objects multiplied. That's an increase of about 70% globally. This increase observed from the first half of 2018 to the first half of the year. 2019.

In light of this growing threat to connected objects, several states have already established regulations that require manufacturers to require users to change the password of the first use of the object. "Unfortunately, even today, most connected objects are used with the default password," admits Philippe Rondel. In addition, it is generally recommended to at least separate the networks used by objects connected to business networks to be used for business activities. "It is necessary not to put connected objects on the company's traditional information and management system, if the company needs interconnection between networks, it has the ability to create secure gateways." Says Philippe Rondel.

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