Information system security officials under pressure due to coronavirus pandemic

Information system security officials under pressure due to coronavirus pandemic

August 14, 2020 Off By admin

If we are to refer to a recent study conducted by HackerOne, 70% of security managers in French information systems note that there is a good chance that their organizations will be affected by a potential data breach due to the current global health crisis.

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The study was conducted worldwide and involved very 1,400 IT security managers. The countries that were directly affected were Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Singapore and the United States. It focused on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the daily lives of security officials. 30% of security officials worldwide and 36% in France, notice a sharp increase in computer attacks against the systems and networks of their organizations.

Exposure to data leaks was observed by 70% of French computer security officials. "The COVID-19 crisis has rocked virtually every aspect of our online life. The pressure to meet remote work requirements and customer demands for digital services has greatly expanded attack surfaces, leaving security teams out of breath," notes Marten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne. He adds: "The COVID-19 pandemic has made companies realize that they have been too slow in their digital transformation. The pressure on security teams is immense. ».

32% of French officials reported that they had experienced an acceleration of their company's digital transformation, but 28% acknowledged that their organizations were not ready for such a hasty change.

The study also revealed something worrying. Indeed 30% of French security officials say that the budget devoted to computer security in their organization was requested affected because of coronavirus. Globally, 25% of officials think the same. On the French side 28% of the external respondents said they were working with less resources compared to the front coronavirus.

The context has benefited hackerOne to highlight the profits of the bug hunting program. "In this emergency, more and more organizations have become aware of the benefits of using a hacker community to protect against malicious activity," says Mickos.

In addition, according to the HackerOne study, 33% of managers, and 30% on average worldwide, mean that with their budgets being restricted and their teams shrinking, they would be willing to accept vulnerability reports from other researchers outside of their organization.

Finally, the report also stressed that the media coverage of security incidents has a strong impact on relations in the community. Indeed, 64% of information system security managers in the world, they do for this in France felt and not be favorable to maintain relations with a supplier who would have been the victim of a data breach mediated. It's the same over the last 2 years. 61% of managers require the vulnerability disclosure program before entering into any contract with their suppliers.

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