Data security: a possible password-free strategy

Data security: a possible password-free strategy

September 25, 2019 Off By admin

The idea of getting rid of the password is not new.

Indeed for some time, especially with the development of certain technologies, people have a lot in mind to get rid of the password. We think that without the password, it is clear that data leaks will decrease, the cost of maintenance will be lower, and the user experience will be better. Despite all this hard work, passwords remain, and are even prevalent at the peril of users.

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As we know and as we see it in practice, getting rid of passwords is more than a for the majority of digital giants. We can see that this is in the becoming more and more achievable.

It is envisaged that by 2022, more than 60% of 90 per cent of medium-sized companies much more for password-free solutions in the security configuration and authentication.

and immediately it can be said that a password-based authentication method a fault problem. And the main problem associated with it is the code weakness. For if it is replaced, one will no longer have to imagine its formulas even forgotten at any time. The most to remember codes would be very good for improving the user experience. From our side this allows companies to strengthen security and will no longer depend on random layout from their employees. In addition, it allows it to significantly reduce the cost of their maintenance service. The most common alternatives to trying to addressing the password problem are, of course, the technologies using the biometric system. the facial recognition of fingerprints or recognition vocals are indeed these new sesame security. But in addition to this, there is also the pattern of locking and unlocking. Simply to be able to build a geometric figure and to install it as a secure mode of access to these terminals.

Dual authentication using tokens physical information and the security code are now the wordless methods of the most effective passes that exist. For some time now, security methods publishers have been starting to take an interest in it and to apply it more and more. On the other hand, there is also realized that biometric security methods are safer than dual-factor, one-step authentication system.

In conclusion, the password is not yet obsolete, but the alternatives are emerging and prospering as they grow. What we do know is that in a few years, the password will be relegated to a lower plan but it will not disappear. So what method will take over?. Two-factor authentication via physical key, again security by biometric technology. The future will tell.

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