Top 100 worst passwords of 2019

Top 100 worst passwords of 2019

December 20, 2019 Off By admin

Each year, SplashData, the it security firm specializing in passwords, publishes a report on the most vulnerable passwords in circulation. This year we were treated to the usual top 100.

There he is:

1. 123456

2. 123456789

3. Qwerty

4. Password

5. 1234567

6. 12345678

7. 12345

8. iloveyou

9. 111111

10. 123123

11. abc123

12. qwerty123

13. 1q2w3e4r

14. Admin

15. qwertyuiop

16. 654321

17. 555555

18. Lovely

19. 7777777

20. welcome

21. 888888

22. princess

23. Dragon

24. password1

25. 123qwe

26. zxcvbnm

27. 121212

28. Bailey

29. freedom

30. Shadow

31. passw0rd

32. Baseball

33. Buster

34. Daniel

35. Hannah

36. Thomas

37. Summer

38. George

39. Harley

40. 222222

41. Jessica

42. Ginger

43. letmein

44. abcdef

45. solo

46. jordan

47. 55555

48. tigger

49. Joshua

50. Pepper

51. Sofia

52. 1234

53. robert

54. Matthew

55. 12341234

56. Andrew

77l Lakers

58. Andrea

59. 1qaz2wsx

60. starwars

61. Ferrari

62. cheese cheese

63. Computer

64. corvette

65. Mercedes

66. blahblah

67. Maverick

68. hello

69. Nicole

70. Hunter

71. 1989

72. Amanda

73. 1990

74. Jennifer

75. Banana

76. Chelsea

77. Store

78. 1991

79. trustno1

80. merlin

81. Cookie

82. Ashley

83. bandit

84. Killer

85. aaaaaa

86. 1q2w3e

87. zaq1zaq1

88. test

89. hockey

90. Dallas

91. whatever

92. admin123

93. pussy

94. Liverpool

95. querty

96. William

97. soccer

98. London

99. 1992

100. dickme

From a practical point of view, its statistics show that that every year, thousands of people make the mistake of composing passwords too easy to hack, despite all the warnings and consequences that may have resulted from similar practices a few years earlier. As we all know, passwords are the first obstacle opposes a person of ill intent who seeks to penetrate your system. It's like they say, a door open to your personal data that may be more or less sensitive or financial. However, the negligence persists. On the other hand, many users think they are more using passwords that seem innocuous. However, this does not fool person, and they get fooled for sure. It will even be said that they are fatal errors.

Despite several years of awareness and guard, the famous "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"  continue to persist, such as "qwerty" or "password." People should begin to realize that these are not good words of Pass. And according to SplashData, the most vulnerable passwords and the most poorly worded, which continue to be popular on the web are "1 2 3 4 5 6 7" and "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9."

The list such unveiled by the password specialist you must now allow you to avoid making those same mistakes if you are gone from those people who still use this kind of combination. Change your password if it's one of those listed. by Another important point is the analysis of the cybersecurity consists mostly of data from Anglo-Saxon users even if there is no clear difference between all the others. Indeed others instead of "qwerty" will write for example "AZERTY." Just one translation game.

Rephrase your password, find more complicated formulas, for example, whole sentences, or try mathematical formulas that you surely master. Because if you do not do this, the technique of brute force, a hacking technique that consists of bombarding the account of several famous passwords in the most famous code session such as this list for example, will easily overcome your security and from that moment you will be at the mercy of these hackers who are constantly developing their methods of attack.

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