What to learn as a lesson for 2020 in cybersecurity

What to learn as a lesson for 2020 in cybersecurity

January 1, 2021 Off By admin

Like its predecessor, 2020 has demonstrated how IT security remains one of the most important challenges in the digital field.

Unfortunately, there have been several incidents to this end, which have not failed to address the need to address the issue of cybersecurity on a much higher priority.

It must be said in practical terms several computer attacks that were suffered by organizations during the year 2020 could have been avoided. For this reason, the specialists have noticed it several times.

This article will also interest you: The year 2020 already has twice as many attacks as 2019 according to ANSSI

Recently another tragedy has not failed to address the problem. This concerns the corruption of the Orion security software, provided by the Texan company SolarWinds. More than 18,000 organizations have been affected.

Faced with this problem that we know the solution of course, it is time to take stock and let pass 2020 for better resolutions for 2021.

Several studies have been published by the companies responsible for IT security to put in place a set of means and measures to facilitate their safe development. Among these studies, there is one that is particularly interesting. This is a report published by the insurance company Hiscox, an IT risk specialist. The latter made a list of computer attacks that marked the year 2020 in some way. The report is entitled "Hiscox Report on Cyber Risk Management."

It begins on January 30, 2020 the company specializing in the production and marketing of cosmetic products Estée Lauder is the victim of a computer attack. The good news is that no customer data has been directly affected.

In April, 52.2 million personal data were stolen following a computer attack on hotel giant Marriott Group. The hackers succeeded by stealing identifiers from the company's employees.

Subsequently, due to a security breach in a web page, several personal information belonging to participants in the Leetchi online prize pool were exposed online.

According to the report provided by Hiscox, in 15 percent of cases companies that have already suffered a computer attack have observed that prospects are increasingly lacking in self-confidence. 11% of cases, were customers who lost confidence in victim companies and partners in 12 percent of cases.

So the question arises of using authentication system correct enough to protect computer systems. This requires a set of user training. However, already in 2019, only 25% of companies that invest enough is enough in raising awareness and training their employees after an IT incident.

According to a study provided by the computer security company, computer attacks continue to increase in number. Over the years, it is clear that cybercrime is gaining ground. One in five companies believes that the IT threat is returning to the same state as before the health crisis. With telework in vogue, the safety of working remotely presents itself as a major challenge for 47 percent of security officials interviewed. Phishing prevention is the second most important concern, according to 42% of security officials. For 41% of respondents, in protecting cloud infrastructure and applications is a tertiary concern. According to 61% of security specialists, until 2023, the safety of teleworkers will be at the top of the IT and security concerns. The second concern will be the safety of workstations and mobile devices according to 59% of the specialists surveyed. For multi-cloud structures and the public cloud as a whole, concerns are in third place. Next, the security of connected objects for 30% of specialists and the security of messaging service for 24% of specialists is in the final position.

"Once the cyber-attack is discovered, it is highly preferable to communicate spontaneously regardless of the size of your business. In the case of proactive communication on an organisation's data breach, the average cost to organizations with less than 1000 employees is estimated at $93,000 (about 77,000 euros), while it is $155,000 (about 128,000 euros) for companies that see the flaw made public by the media, kaspersky explains.

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