WhatsApp: A malware that steals financial data

WhatsApp: A malware that steals financial data

January 27, 2021 Off By admin

Recently, WhatsApp was mired in a policy related to the privacy of users' data and the treatment that its parent company, Facebook was supposed to make of it.

Apparently the problem is not yet solved. Indeed, another problem completes the panic of users of the messaging application, who have already begun to migrate massively to other alternatives. In the aftermath, the European judicial institutions threatened the social network with a fine of up to 50 million euros.

As if all this wasn't enough, it was recently discovered a malicious program that invited itself into the features of the messaging application. This is the work of ESET's cybersecurity specialists. This malware, according to researchers at the cybersecurity company, is a real danger to be taken very seriously: "This malware spreads via the victim's WhatsApp application by automatically responding to all WhatsApp notifications with a link to a malicious version of Huawei Mobile," explains computer security researcher Luca Stefanko.

This article will also interest you: WhatsApp and the privacy of our data

The procedure looks like a fairly classic phishing. Indeed the user is notified through a message containing a link. Link redirects the person who clicks on it to a web page that takes the form of the official Google PlayStore page. When the app is installed on the user's smartphone, it issues several permission requests. namely:

  • Access on notification;
  • The ability to model other applications;
  • The ability to stay active in the background.

Once properly analyzed by computer security specialists, it was discovered that the malware did not request these authorizations in a haphazard manner. Indeed, thanks to the permission to access the notification, it is easier to share for the hacker who are hidden behind the application, the false link that leads to the download of the fake Huawei Mobile application to contacts with which the infected person is used to exchanging. By allowing application layers and background operation, it allows hackers to monitor your actions.

In other words, the app allows you to monitor your actions. Hackers may be aware of anything you do with your smartphone. This of course means that they can collect login credentials and even bank details. According to researchers at the European Security Society, the cyber criminals behind this malware are not really interested in sensitive data. Their objectives seem to be the installation of several other malware, which will allow it to bombard the infected user with malicious advertisements. Advertising spam that will encourage you to subscribe to certain subscriptions more or less fraudulent.

Of course there is a way to protect yourself from this malware:

– Tip number 1 is a classic: never download an app outside the official store such as the AppStore and PlayStore. In this context, it is recommended to go directly through the applications that allow access to this shop instead of necessarily wanting to use a link.

– For the number 2 advice it is to make sure to be on a legitimate site when you access it.

– Council number 3 is simply to encourage you and protect your terminals with security solutions such as antivirus or firewalls.

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