Iron fist between business and IT decision-makers

Iron fist between business and IT decision-makers

June 12, 2020 Off By admin

Business and cybersecurity decision-makers have a hard time getting along.

At least that's what reveals a study carried out by the IDC structure, on behalf of Devoteam, a firm specializing in consulting and support in innovative technology and management. Indeed, this misunderstanding where this disagreement is due to a question of apprehension. Business decision makers have begun to approach the issue of IT security as a budgetary constraint.

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First of all, it should be noted that this study was conducted just before the explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic. The scope of investigation has extended from Europe to the Middle East. The theme of this study is "A Plan for security Transformation." It confirmed what many experts already knew. That there was a real gap between the discourses about the importance or even the need to create a healthy and safe business environment in business digitally and the means and provisions used to achieve discourse. It is clear that for business leaders, at least a very large part, cybersecurity is not a priority.

It is not uncommon indeed to find organizations touting the merits of good COMPUTER security, the same use it as a communication and marketing argument. However, only a minority makes every effort to be within the safety standards that are demonstrated by those who will never do so. Generally in large and medium-sized enterprises, when defining new projects, "safety remains an afterthought for more than a third of organizations.

Certainly, the professionals interviewed are almost unanimous on the main objectives of digital transformation, namely that it allows to take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies in terms of innovation, reinvention and optimization of processes, and improved customer and user experiences. explains Philippe Richard Journaliste and IT reporter.

Compared to decision makers, the importance of computer security varies. For example, the majority of business decision makers interviewed during the survey, the most important and the integration of trades during digital transformation. For this reason, the major problem of ENTERPRISE IT security is due to budgetary constraints (52.98%). In addition, the lack of cybersecurity skills increases the difficulties. And finally, there is a real problem when it comes to combining security objectives as a priority for business. On the other hand, on the security decision-makers' side, 61.97 highlight the integration of systems. About 65% of them focus on information security. For them, the major problem lies in the fragmentation and failure to integrate the protection measures in the first, and in the second, the lack of skills. It is only in the third position that the issue of budgetary constraints comes into play.

Hence this opposition, when it is necessary to decide what to adopt for the development of the company, which turns into an obstacle in the end. Philippe Richard commented on the results of the study by noting that: "Regulatory compliance and realignment of activity on digital channels are among the priorities placed in 2nd or 3rd position by all decision makers.

In fact, this study points to the complexity for organizations to find where to place the cursor. Budgetary constraints are ongoing barriers to improving security in organizations. ». A complexity that is not ready to be resolved immediately.

However, following a thorough analysis, budgetary constraints are considered to be the main obstacle in the definition of corporate security policies according to the majority of decision-makers of all stripes, at 50.93. These financial difficulties take the lead on skills shortages and fragmentation. In fact, only 26% of organizations place a high value on IT security in the planning phase of any new initiative in the company. Yet we have 92.2% of organizations that mean relying on risk analysis to decide on their future investments.

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