US government website hack: Iranian hackers implicated

US government website hack: Iranian hackers implicated

January 25, 2020 Off By admin

On January 4, 2020, a group of hackers and managed to hack the website of an American federal institution.

According to investigations by U.S. government experts, there is every indication that this was the work of Iranian-born hackers.

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Hacking has not really had a exceptional, because in the end, all the hackers were able to do was to simply publish threats revenge against the American state. The latest promises a against the United States for the assassination of General Soleimani, during the a drone strike ordered by US President Donald Trump himself.

The facts are revealed by the BNO News portal. A public database of a government website was targeted by hackers who identified themselves as Iranian hackers. The U.S. government cybersecurity agency called U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency immediately took the plunge and began to establish security protocols. To prevent the spread of these hackers, the American structure proceeded to take the attacked website offline. But this was done after unidentified individuals managed to mark persian and English inscriptions on the home page. These inscriptions said from the "Islamic Republic of Iran."

"We will continue to support our friends in the region: the oppressed people of Palestine, the oppressed people of Yemen, the people and government of Syria, the people and government of Iraq, the oppressed people of Bahrain, the true resistance of the mujahideen in Lebanon and Palestine. We will support them. ». In addition, several publications of photo images relating to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei were visible from the publications. We can also see an image of US President Donald Trump holding a bloodied dagger planted on the map of Iran with the caption: "Martyrdom was the … (Soleimani)'s reward for years of relentless effort,"

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency In its press release, "We know that the Federal Deposit Library Program has been erased by messages pro-Iranian and anti-American. At this time, there is no evidence that this is Iranian state-sponsored actors. The website has been put out line and is no longer accessible. CISA is monitoring the situation with the FDLP and our federal partners,"

In addition, hackers have not been identified so far. It is not known whether data was stolen or damaged in the computer attack. The U.S. cyber surveillance agency declined to comment on the matter at this time.What is certain is that the computer attack came only a few hours after Donald Trump threatened to launch several attacks on Prime Iranian targets. Even if this is not confirmed, the hypothesis of Iranian revenge is tempting or even predominant.

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