Biometric data security systems, for or against?

Biometric data security systems, for or against?

August 5, 2019 Off By admin

Biometric data are the physical characteristics exclusive to an individual. Only in real twins that biometric data can be the same, if not impossible.

But what can be at stake for such information?

Many people routinely use their fingerprints or facial features or even your voice to unlock your mobile.

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Without us realizing it, we provide large quantities of biometric data to the giants of the digital industry. One reason also explains this, authentication biometrics is clearly more practical and clearly safer than classic passwords. However, the sharing of its biometric data may also pose a risk to our privacy.

Biometrics is defined as the analysis of traits strictly exclusive to a person. These are elements so-called biometric data. The data each person's biometrics are unique and cannot change. Devices recent are in this context can collect them, measure them, and even compare them with a set of data to instantly identify a No one.

Today, there are a wide range of systems biometric authentication. These systems are each based on different biometric data. However, there are some systems that can analyze different biometric data for greater security. Gender systems the most used are those that work on the fingerprint. With his smartphones, this technology has almost become ubiquitous. Also, according to a study by Spiceworks, fingerprint scanner is the most advanced biometric authentication method more used in business. After fifty-seven percent (57%) Business use it.

On the other hand, facial recognition sees its popularity is increasing and is widely used. the Newer phones, such as Apple's iPhone X, can be unlocked just by presenting his face to the camera. This technology is unfortunately also used by modern video surveillance systems to the dismay of National Commission for Computer Science and Freedom.

What are the privacy risks of this technology?

Ironically, the biometric data were supposed to strengthen our security, they represent in a different sense a great risk to our privacy. Several aspects of this reality can be listed.

First of all, like all data biometric data can also be stolen by data Hackers. According to the study conducted by Spiceworks, forty-eight (48%) some companies are concerned about the theft or leakage of biometric information such as greater security risk associated with this technology.

Secondly, some data data biometrics can be easily duplicated. For example, one can possibly retrieve your fingerprints from a container you have touched in a public place. Also, some hackers have managed to fool the iPhone X's facial recognition system with a simple photo of the iPhone X The user…

On the other hand, a leak of biometric data compromises much more than a standard data leak. Indeed, we know that it is possible to change a password when you get hacked, but it is impossible for us to change his fingerprints or his irises. Once this data is stolen, your security will be put at risk forever.

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