Use public WiFi safely, how do you do that?

Use public WiFi safely, how do you do that?

February 4, 2020 Off By admin

It's the easiest network to find today.

almost everywhere we have access to WiFi networks open to the general public. And it makes it easy for users of web services to connect and view the various online platforms. If connect public Wi-Fi is often convenient, but it does not is never done without risk. Indeed, one is exposed to any form of piracy computer data, personal data breaches, etc. so let's give you some tips that will allow you to connect without too much risk exposing yourself.

1 – Choosing a good network

that Just because a Wi-Fi network is open to everyone doesn't mean you need to necessarily connect to it. In some cases, they are decoys. In a study conducted by the cybersecurity firm in July 2017, Symantec revealed that 87% of French people did not hesitate to endanger their personal information when they connect to WiFi without even knowing the supplier. That's why it's recommended before connecting to a public WiFi network to request certain information about the Wi-Fi network or on the hotspot. all simply, because it hackers can improvise WiFi hotspots that will allow them to infiltrate the terminals of the unwary. So before you connect to a public network make sure you have all the information about this network. In addition, if you intend to do something that will will push to use financial information such as data bank, you should make sure in the link bar, that the little padlock and that the link on the website is preceded by the HTTPS syntax. If you don't think so. Avoid providing personal information. Wait until you connect to your mobile network.

2 – Use a VPN

The use of a VPN is something important these days. It allows you not to surf on an unsecured network or on a common network. What they at least announce the advantage of making your references almost anonymous identification. But it also helps to create a barriers preventing intruders from intercepting your communications and personal data. In this way, your browsing information as well as all the data you'll be providing or generate not will not be able to be connected by anyone see by anyone. If there are free vpn, better is worth using those that require a subscription because virtual private networks most often use user data for the purposes of Commercial.

3 – Always turn off WiFi

When you are out of your usual environment such as home or still the office, you need to make sure that your terminal's Wi-Fi is off. Above all, you will have to get rid of the automatic connection, which in a very large part of smartphones or computers is enabled by which causes your device to connect to any WiFi network right now. Detects. This may expose you greatly. Because if by misfortune you connect to a wifi prepared by a cybercriminal, he will then be able to have access to your data even so that you are not actively connected.

4 – Make sure you have all these apps up to date

While in some cases the update is done automatically, the fact remains that in some computer programs, you would have to operate yourself. As a result, you should always make sure that your applications have had the latest security patches or updates, especially at the level of your operating system. And if you decide to launch a download, be sure to check that the app used is reliable.

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