Hack Facebook Passwords Tutorial

Facebook is the number one most hacked network

How to hack Facebook password?

Hackers are always getting better and better at hacking FB password.

It's a lot easier than you might imagine. Hackers have hundreds of ways to steal a Facebook password and their techniques are getting more and more sophisticated each time.

These days, most users think they are safe on the Internet. It's hard to imagine that you can have your life, your friends, your identity stolen on the web. We all tell ourselves that this only happens to others and that it will never happen to us. However, the day it happens, we wonder how we got there.

You should know that the Facebook account is one of the most important data sources. Indeed, if we take the fact that Facebook is the most visited social network in the world, users tend to share a lot more personal data about them because of the interactions they want to maintain.

Sometimes, Facebook account hacking is initiated in order to monitor a loved one, child, spouse, etc.

One thing is certain, the demand for Facebook hacking is exploding. Which means that anyone with an account on this social network is exposed in one way or another. That's why you need to know what threats you will face.

Here is a list of hacking techniques:

Technique 1: PASS FINDER

Find Facebook password
Here is how to hack FACEBOOK
thanks to PASS FINDER
(works also with phone number and login-ID).

This technique is much simpler, anyone can use it. It is designed to be easily usable even if you are not a computer expert, with just the basics follow the instructions and use this program now.

It is a comprehensive software that makes it easy for you to recover your Facebook account as far as hackers catch you off guard. Note that PASS FINDER is compatible with all operating systems. So you can use it on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Follow these three simple steps to find the password:

  1. Download and install the app.
  2. Launch the search for the password of a Facebook account using the username or the email address or the telephone number associated with this account.
  3. Launch the search: the result is guaranteed after a few minutes regardless of the Facebook account.

In addition, you have a month of trial. At the end, you are either satisfied or refunded.

Try it now: https://www.passwordrevelator.net/en/passfinder

Technique 2: Bait and Switch Hacking

Bait and switch hacking Facebook

The pirate will buy advertising space on Internet sites and stick his advertising there where a dangerous link is hidden. Specifically, when a user clicks on the ad, they will be redirected to a page infected with malware.

Without the user noticing anything, hackers will continue to install malware on the victim's computer or smartphone. Especially since this is an endless chain since once the virus is installed, it will be able to reproduce itself ad infinitum.

The hacker will only have to wait to receive on his email the identifier of the Facebook account with his password. Be certain that a hacker can hack your FB password without you realizing it.

Technique 3: Password siphoning

Facebook password siphoning

This technique is particularly difficult to put into practice. However, all the conditions are met for it to work. You thought it was impossible to siphon passwords without even using the Internet? The basis of this method is going to require the installation of a malicious program on a particular computer terminal. The victim's device, for example. Which will require in some way physical access to this computing device. There is the possibility of being able to use it both on Windows, Ubuntu or other Linux-like distributions. The computer program concerned is very discreet and light, it is only 4 KB!

Thanks to it, it is possible to receive and give information at a maximum distance of 6 meters. If the use of this technique is combined with a powerful reception antenna, it is possible to be able to receive them at a distance of 30 meters. Obviously, such a technique cannot make it possible to transfer data of a very large volume. However, this is sufficient to recover a password.

Technique 4: Hacking by GSM network

Hack Facebook GSM network

This consists of using the GSM network to extract data. You just have to know that it also works thanks to a malicious program that must be installed on the victim's computer. Thanks to this software, it is possible to launch some configurations. They will push your computer to function as a mobile by emitting GSM waves. With the right tools, hackers will know exactly how to exfiltrate the information they care about.

Technique 5: Social Engineering

social engineering Facebook hacking

If there is one place where social engineering is very common, it is obviously on Facebook. Since the social network is frequented by a lot of people, doing social engineering becomes quite easy. Social engineering will consist of deceiving a person with whom one has established contact. The purpose of this contact is to get the person we have targeted to give us information that can be used to hack into their Facebook account. Obviously, the way to proceed will consist in generally using simple exchanges to first establish a bond of friendship and gradually release personal information. When social engineering is done between two people during an exchange, it can go unnoticed and usually takes less time. There are also methods that allow the cybercriminal to initiate social engineering, but on a large scale this time. This usually goes unnoticed, but you've certainly noticed posts on groups asking questions like:

  • What is your birthday?
  • What is your pet's name?
  • What is the institution where you did your schooling?

These are not trivial questions because somehow they can help the hacking of thousands of Facebook accounts in one go. So if you see these kinds of posts, it's best to ignore them.

Technique 6: Clickjacking

Clickjacking hack Facebook

This method is known in French as " diversion de clic ". It was from 2008 that the concept of clickjacking became popular. This hacking technique is usually used to operate on web applications. Clickjacking consists of deceiving a user when he clicks on a tab or an image, which aims to make him perform an action that he did not foresee or want.

The technique works as follows:

  • The hacker first seeks to target his victim. It will do its best to lead the latter to an unprotected page.
  • On this page, it will install a button or a link that allows to trap the targeted user.
  • When the latter ends up clicking on the corrupted button, he is either redirected to a malicious website, or he is infected with a malicious program that will steal his data.
  • Clickjacking is very common on social networks. In particular on Facebook with its variant, " likejacking ", which consists of trapping the " Like " button.

Technique 7: Cookie hijacking

Delete Cookies Hijacking

We all know the importance of session cookies. These little beacons that allow us to find our way when browsing on several platforms at the same time. Cookies are truly useful and practical. However, if a hacker manages to gain access to it, they can use it to gain access to your session and hack you. Indeed, session cookies leave a trace and allow access to your account without you needing to retype your identifier. And it is precisely this situation that the hacker will exploit. That's why when you log in to your Facebook account, after logging out, take the trouble to erase cookies for more security.

Technique 8: Fake WiFi Hacking

Hack Facebook fake WiFi

A fake WiFi can be the basis of your hack. Indeed, if the cybercriminal follows your habits, he can trick you and trick you into connecting to a WiFi network trapped by hackers.

How could they proceed?

The first step is to create a WiFi network. To do this, you just need to deploy a router that allows Internet connection such as a WiFi router. Moreover, even with a smartphone it is possible to create WiFi access. Once this network is immediately available to the target, hackers can then monitor the traffic of the person who connects to their WiFi network. This gives them the advantage of diverting the connection to a phishing web page, allowing them to deceive the user's vigilance and ask them for their connection credentials.

Technique 9: Traffic Interception

Facebook traffic interception hack

We speak of interception of traffic when it is possible for a hacker to be able to learn the content of the communication between two computer terminals. In other words, when the computer terminal A communicates with the computer terminal B, the hackers recover the thread of the communication by trying to know exactly what information is circulating during this communication. They can achieve this in various ways. For example, by creating a fake WiFi hotspot as indicated above or by using cookies for the purpose of hijacking the session and intercepting the content of the communication. But, the most dazzling interception consists in capturing the communication between the different packets. At this level, it is almost impossible for a user to do anything to protect themselves from it. Communication between DNS servers is done by packet transmission. This transmission is based on a unique signature that does not change. When a hacker has succeeded in becoming aware of this signature, he can create new packets using this same signature in order to divert communication between different servers. The user will be exposed to spying without being able to do anything.

Technique 10: Password cracking

Facebook password cracking

It is a great classic in the cybercrime sector. Every year, new tools are developed to make cracking passwords easier. It is a method that consists of using software or an automated script that will be responsible for generating thousands or even millions of combinations of words or symbols with the aim of being able to find the correct password. The success of this technique depends on the quality of the software used for this purpose, the power of the computer as well as the nature of the password to be cracked. One thing is certain, Facebook users are vulnerable to this method. Why ? Quite simply because the power of the processors makes it possible to crack passwords quickly. Beyond password cracking, we can also take the opportunity to mention the attack on the dictionary which is also one of the greatest classics. This is essentially based on a set of passwords or connection identifiers collected by various means (data leak, scraping or hacking). This data is compiled into a database that will be used to find the identifiers useful for hacking accounts.

How to secure your Facebook account?

Protect Facebook account

At this point, it is useful to know how to ensure better security for your Facebook account. There is a practical way to protect yourself from cyber attacks.

Finally one last thing to know absolutely, 100% security does not exist. In other words, the effort to protect is something constant. You must always be on the alert and be ready to react in case of doubt.

First, consider the security of your computing environment. Everything you use to access the Internet should be secure.

  • 1 - Your network connection:
    • If it's WiFi or mobile data, it's important that you make sure that the basic security rules for a secure internet are established. Pay particular attention to the WiFi network. Especially when you are in a public place and it is open to everyone. If possible, before any connection to a web platform, you should be sure to have activated your virtual private network. This will effectively give you another layer of security. This way you can evade interception of session hijacking. When you are not using your smartphone, turn off the network connection or WiFi. If you are permanently logged in, this can also make it easier for malware to extract data. When you notice a slowness in your connection or a high data consumption for no reason, perform a security check-up of your computer device. This can be caused by malware.

  • 2 - Updates:
    • Don't be careless and do your updates. This particularly concerns the operating system of the targeted computing device and all the software. We cannot know where the fault may come from.

  • 3 - Virus protection:
    • In addition to updates, the computing device you use will need to be protected by a security program. Security programs will be responsible for settling Malware issues that may inadvertently be installed on the computer terminal. Check on the official app store. There are free and paid programs that can help you.

  • 4 - Double authentication:
    • Like several social networks, Facebook also offers double authentication. It is in the settings, security section, password and enable two-factor authentication. It is possible to opt for authentication software such as Google authenticator or Microsoft authenticator. You can also proceed by the classic method which consists of receiving a unique security code by SMS. If you haven't activated it yet, now is the time to do so. Activate this option as soon as possible and enjoy the second layer of protection.

  • 5 - The unique and strong password:
    • In building your password , be sure not to use personal information such as your birthday, phone number, or professional reference. This is one of the first things hackers check before any password cracking procedure. Opt for the passphrase instead. It is much more difficult to crack. Also, remember that your Facebook password must be unique. Do not use it on other accounts at the risk of being exposed during data leaks.

  • 6 - The physical protection of the terminal:
    • No one should access your smartphone or computer as they can install malware to collect your data. It can also steal your passwords by going to the browser in the saved passwords section. Therefore, lock access with a password or your fingerprint. The technique will depend on your preference.

  • 7 - Browser extensions:
    • In practice, these are real sources of vulnerability. One thing is certain, you don't know the origin of these extensions for most of the time. Also, for example, it is strongly recommended not to use them if it is not really necessary. In other words, get rid of it! The same applies to third-party applications which often intervene during your browsing on Facebook. These are generally programs that are intended to amuse you and make the user experience on the social network much more fun. Still, they can hide malware or can collect lots of information about you.

  • 8 - Your device is unique:
    • Do not use any computing device other than your own to log into Facebook. Indeed, it is possible that when sharing a computer device, other people have previously installed a virus on it without knowing it. The risk is that by trying to access your Facebook account from this device infected with malware, your Facebook identification data will be hijacked by a hacker. Also, don't have the habit of saving your login credentials on browsers. Browsers are very vulnerable and often victims of hacking or data leaks. If you have a lot of passwords to manage, consider a password manager instead. And if you have the time, do a security check-up often to check if you don't have a setting that could put you in danger.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it legal to hack someone's Facebook account?

Hacking someone's Facebook account without their consent is illegal and considered a violation of privacy and cybersecurity laws in most countries.

2. Can I use these hacking techniques to monitor my child's Facebook account?

While it's technically possible, using hacking techniques to monitor someone's Facebook account without their consent is unethical and potentially illegal. It's better to establish open communication and trust with your child.

3. Is there any way to completely secure my Facebook account?

While no method is foolproof, you can significantly enhance the security of your Facebook account by enabling two-factor authentication, using strong and unique passwords, keeping your software updated and being cautious of suspicious links and activities.

4. Are there legal alternatives to hacking for accessing someone's Facebook account?

Yes, there are legal and ethical alternatives such as discussing concerns directly with the person, seeking professional help if necessary, or involving law enforcement if there are serious issues.

5. How can I report a hacking attempt or suspicious activity on Facebook?

You can report hacking attempts or suspicious activities on Facebook by using the platform's reporting tools, which are usually found in the settings or help sections of your account.