Lev Parnas' iPhone 11, 2 months to successfully hack it

Lev Parnas' iPhone 11, 2 months to successfully hack it

January 29, 2020 Off By admin

The old quarrels between the American digital giant Apple and the US Federal Police THE FBI had to wake up following the shooting in Pensacola.

And of course the same issue of encryption. He even observed a stand in favor of the federal police, Donald Trump the President of the United States and the American Attorney General William Barr. Unfortunately, this forced the company to unlock some phones that belonged to the suspects during the various investigations. But the case risks further tarnishing relations between the two institutions.

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In addition, it should be noted that the FBI did not really need Apple to unlock several phones of its brand. We remember, that a few weeks ago, it was echoed in the media that the FBI had managed to unlock an iPhone 11 without even going through Apple help. And what seems ironic in the story is that one of the iPhones 11 that were hacked by the FBI, there was the property of Lev Parnas, the partner of Rudy Giuliani, one of the important elements of the impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, initiated by parliament.

On the other hand the other iPhone 11 belonged to Baris Ali Koch, who was reported something as suspicious in a criminal case. It should be noted that the phone was locked, and that the suspect had refused to provide his password or even to unlock it via Face ID. And as we know, Apple doesn't have a dual key, or even a backdoor to access the terminal's content once locked. However, no device is 100% locked.

Since the beginning of the iPhone, hackers constantly try to find security vulnerabilities to take advantage of it. Either to engage in certain actions emanating from pure piracy to the installation of applications not approved by the Appstore. In addition, even government agencies have attempted and continue to attempt to hack iPhones into questions to obtain information necessary for investigations in other official procedures. And the ease of phone hacking depends on its age. In the context of the Pensacola shooting, the phones used by the suspects were iPhone 5 and iPhone 7, respectively, devices that are much less protected than Apple's latest iPhone 11 product. Indeed, according to Bloomberg, the FBI took nearly 2 months to get to hack and iPhone 11, the one belonging to Parnas.

These latest exploits make specialists say that the FBI is able to hack into any iPhone even the newest. Openly showing that the U.S. Federal Police does not need Apple's consent or assistance. However, a parameter is not negligible. Hacking the iPhone takes too long, and success is never guaranteed at the end of the effort. Another detail is to be specified, the longer the password used to lock iOS, the more difficult it is for the FBI to break it via brute force attack. This makes the iPhone quite complicated for the U.S. authorities.

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