Solid, take back control of its data

Solid, take back control of its data

March 1, 2020 Off By admin

The founder of the Web, Tim Berner-Lee, has been planning since 2018 to set up a computer tool called "Solid" that will allow web users to fully control their user data, which would go through a method of decentralization of the Web.

According to the latest information this project is in the acceleration phase, for a while now.

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What is it like Then the Solid project? First it should be noted that this Tool will be open source. It will consist of starting a module that will bring together all the user data of the user regardless of which device is using it to access the web. Thus, this can be data from a smartphone, a connected object, just like a computer. And once his data collected in this module.

The Internet user will have the choice of allowing a particular platform to access a particular or such information at specific times and for specific reasons."You allow granular access to this module to whomever you want, for the reasons you want. Your data doesn't scattered to the four winds on the net, and controlled by one knows who. They're yours. If you want your insurance to have access to your physical condition, you grant it through your module. If you want your friends to have access to your holiday photos, you can give it to them through your module. If you want your thermostat sharing data with your air conditioner, you give it to both of you access through your module." Explains the founder of the web.

It would seem this project is not something new or exclusive. Indeed the French search engine Qwant is also planning a tool called Masq have pretty much the same features.

In a certain way, Sense Tim Berners-Lee's project it something solid and that it does that can please the Internet privacy fighter as well as any other someone who once dreamed of a decentralized web. However, looking at it closely, several obstacles must be overcome by Tim's start-up Berners-Lee on this subject because, it would be difficult but not impossible to convince a large public already accustomed to the words of use of the Internet classic. For Bruce Schneier, the dream is almost impossible: "the ideal module system would be fully distributed. The module everyone would be on a computer they own, running on their network. But that's not how it will happen in real life. Just as you can theoretically manage your own email server but that in reality you outsource it to Google or anyone else, it is likely that you will outsource your pod to these same companies."

In addition, Solid's success will be based primarily on the ease of use of these modules, as one wonders, whether users will have great patience with the careful use of web services. It is worth remembering that some alternatives have already failed in wanting to oppose these digital giants who have a stranglehold on the activities of the web. Tim Berners-Lee and his partner John Bruce believe in this project. They believe that "Solid's approach can be seen as a fundamental mid-term adjustment that must restore power to users (…) A step that must lead to the exit of this digital feudalism."

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