Securing children's Internet browsing is something not to be overlooked

Securing children's Internet browsing is something not to be overlooked

septembre 26, 2020 Non Par admin

Cyber-maltity is not just about business or government.

In particular, everyone can be targeted because the interests vary according to the actions of the hackers. Children are usually also targeted when they connect to the Internet.

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Whether intentionally or unintentionally, directly, or indirectly, hackers know that they can use children to achieve some of their goals. And this can lead to several offenses and problems in the consequences can be dramatic. For Tech analyst Olivier Ona, the start of the new year must be carefully and carefully approached. "As you already know, we spend most of our time hanging on the screens of our smartphones and (connected) computers. If you are the 3/4 of your time on the Internet for professional reasons like me it is one thing (although…), but if like me, you have a child nearby who is old enough to have a smartphone or who has a smartphone this article is for you!

Indeed, if we as adults or even digital communication professionals have developed reflexes that allow us to avoid certain dangerous situations on the Internet and well this is not the case for everyone. Indeed, this is not the case for our children, our little brothers and sisters, because they, unlike us, are mostly influenceable. he notes.

For the latter, we should be ready and adopt good practices this fall. Practices that should be taught to children. This is important because this year things will not be similar to other school and academic years. Knowing that the emphasis will be much more on distance courses, the mastery of good hygiene practices in digital is literally necessary. "Whether they are 9 years old, whether they are in senior year or university, our children are all concerned, because the Covid-19 has doubled our time in line with all the risks involved. ».

The best practices as described by the American security company ESET addresses several points that we will outline in this article.

1- Protection when downloading

Downloading is an important bridge in the use of the Internet. This makes it easy for hackers to easily break into their victim's system. That's why your kids should be taught to be careful when downloading items. First, we should make sure that our terminal is protected by a reliable Internet security solution. This will allow you to detect malware as soon as possible. Then you have to pay attention to the unofficial or unsecured website. It's easy to fool a user when they're allowed to download certain content that's usually paid for on other platforms. In most cases, mouse traps should be avoided. There is indeed the official website where content can be easily accessed. Finally, avoid all unusual links coming from unofficial or unknown correspondents.

2- Protection when publishing

Your child may also be at risk when not paying attention during online content postings. Especially photos. Teach them not to post photos that highlight aspects of their home, or details that will make it easy to learn about themselves or their surroundings in the background. Also do not hesitate to use parental control apps to ensure their actions in this regard

3- Protection from cyber-harassment

This is one of the most sensitive issues in controlling and monitoring children when they are online. Indeed, it is often difficult to know what is going on. And victims generally tend to fall back on themselves. Cyber-harassment is growing and victims number in the hundreds or even thousands each year. The most common symptoms are:

– Change of appearance

– Total disinterest in any activity

– Sudden reactions and responses

This should ensure that your children understand what cyber-harassment really is, and how to not be a victim or how to get out of it. Besides, there are security applications that could help you in this task. But the basis is communication with the child.

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